About Us

The Finance Department , Government of Tripura is responsible for financial management of the State starting from mobilization of resources, raising tax and nontax revenue , borrowing from different sources to efficient use of resources through formulation of annual budget and execution of budget, public expenditure management etc. The department plays a pivotal role in development of the state by providing sound finance management. For development of the state’s economy, the size and scope of works of the finance department has gradually expanded over the years.  The Finance Department , Government of Tripura is responsible for financial management of the State starting from mobilization of resources, raising tax and nontax revenue , borrowing from different sources to efficient use of resources through formulation of annual budget and execution of budget, public expenditure management etc. The department plays a pivotal role in development of the state by providing sound finance management. For development of the state’s economy, the size and scope of works of the finance department has gradually expanded over the years.

Budget Section of the Finance Department

Preparation of the budget is one of the functions of the Finance Department. The Budget is a Financial Forecast that presents estimated receipts and expenditure based on previous trends and new priorities of the Government. The budget section also prepares quarterly report of the Hon'ble Finance Minister on FRBM targets and achievements. All information on finance matter required by A.G. (A & E), G.O.I. & R.B.I. are provided by the Budget Section. The fund received from the Central Government and State Government is getting released by Budget Section of Finance Department.

General Section of the Finance Department

The functions performed by the General Section of the Finance Department are as below:

  • Examination of the proposals of the different departments for creation of new posts.

  • Examination of the proposals of the different departments for filling up of posts.

  • Examination of the proposals of the different departments for giving benefits under Die-in-Harness Scheme.

  • Fixation of Pay and Remuneration of Employees whenever it is referred by different departments.

  • Concurrence for items which are categorized as exceptional items and require concurrence as per delegation of Financial Power Rules.

  • Examination of any such proposals and giving views on the same whenever referred by any department on any financial matter.

Establishment Section of Finance Department

  • It maintains service books of All India Service Officers and some State Cadre Service Officers.

  • Fixation of pay is done for such officers, whose service book is maintained by this section.

  • Pension Proposals for above mentioned officers are initiated by this section.

Directorate of Treasuries

There are 9 (Nine) Treasuries and 13 (Thirteen) Sub-Treasuries operational in Tripura. The functions of Directorate of Treasuries are as follows:

  • Monitoring of Treasury operations, Treasury Accounts.

  • Internal audit, store and cash verification of other government departments.

  • Monitoring of CAG & AG audit.

  • Conducting special audit as per the order of Finance Department.

  • Monitoring of monthly accounts sent by Treasuries to AG Tripura.

  • Giving opinion on various financial matters referred by other Departments.

  • Reconciliation of departmental expenditure at AG level

Taxes and Excise Organisation

The Taxes and Excise Organization of the Finance Department plays very important & crucial role in mobilization of financial resources of the State. The Organization is headed by the Commissioner of Taxes and Excise.

Audit Directorate

Directorate of Audit was set up in the year 2002 under the administrative control of Finance Department, Government of Tripura for carrying out internal audit in various Administrative Departments and Audit of Accounts of PRI and Urban bodies in the state of Tripura with the objectives of strengthening financial management and to ensure transparency and accountability in maintenance of their books of accounts of those departments.

An effective function of the directorate of Audit since its inception strengthens the functioning of the offices and institutions under the state Government Departments.

Internal Audit is an essential input for an efficient receipt, payment and accounting system. The Internal Audit not only ensures adherence to rules and regulations and procedures but also suggests and guides the Auditee Units for taking necessary corrective actions in their books and accounts.

The Directorate of Audit at present have 2 (two) wings:

  • Internal Audit Wing

  • Local Fund Audit Wing

Internal Audit Wing:

The Wing is carrying out periodical internal audit of the accounts of the various Government Departments and Directorates under those departments and Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council.

Local Fund Audit Wing:

  • The wing is carrying statutory audit of the accounts of the gram panchayats, Panchayat Samitis and Zilla Parishads, government managed / aided institutions.

  • Audit of the accounts of Agartala Municipal corporation, Municipal Council and Nagar Panchayats.

  • Also the accounts of Rural Local bodies (Block advisory committees / Village Committees) under Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council.

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Page Last updated date : 23-12-2024 12:12 pm